Plan for the Strategic Development of EFP 2021-2024

The European Forum of Psychomotricity (EFP) seeks to sustain and enhance the organisation an institution that supports Psychomotricity in Europe, through producing creative and innovative activities for education, professional development, research and political initiatives.The statutes of the European Forum of Psychomotricity present the general mission of the Forum. The Strategic Plan of 2021-2024 describes how the General Assembly has decided to work for this mission during this period.

The member countries of the EFP each present a unique and different situation of psychomotricity. These differences are due to the educational, economical, historical, and political differences between countries. The work of the EFP needs to reflect and serve both what unifies and diversifies the needs of the member countries.

The current strategic plan of the European Forum of Psychomotricity is meant to serve the present needs of the Forum. The plan has its main focus on the renewal and refinement of the working methods and structure of the EFP, to ensure that the Forum continues to be a living, vibrant place for meeting, sharing and creating in order to support the development of Psychomotricity in Europe within education, research, and profession.

Plan for Strategic Development of the EFP 2021-2024 [PDF]


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